This page is for advertising employment opportunities suitable for teenagers and young adults in Sutton-on-Sea and the local surrounding area.
To advertise a job on this page and our social media pages, please email us via the link on our Contact Us page! We will advertise your employment position until it is filled and we ask that you make a small donation to our organisation, so we can use it to reinvest in our young people and community!
While we are actively encouraging young people get into work, we will be supporting them through the employment processes and while they are working to ensure their safety and well-being. This covers making sure they are not over-working and have sufficient time to complete school studies and have time for themselves, that they are getting paid fairly, are safe and feel comfortable in their place of work. Also, due to increased safety concerns with the Covid-19 pandemic, we plan to ensure they are working in an environment with measures in place and have access to the necessary PPE.
Information on how to apply for the jobs will be on the individual adverts below:
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