Earth Day 2021


Today is Earth Day! This is an event that happens all over the world on 22nd April to raise awareness about pollution and to learn more about our Earth. It is celebrated on this particular day every year to mark the anniversary of the modern environmental movement that began in 1970. 🎂 Earth Day is celebrated across the world each year to remind us about how important it is to take care of, protect and improve conditions for our environment for ourselves and people in the future. This year is the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day and the theme is "Restore Our Earth". 

In the past, people have taken part in marches, protests and big clean-ups to highlight how important it is to take care of our Earth. However, because of coronavirus a lot of these big events cannot take place so instead, we are encouraged to join in activities online, make our own small changes and talk to each other about the importance of looking after the planet.

So, as we are also mainly online and sharing things with you through our website and social media, that we would give you a few ideas of small things you could do yourselves at home and at school to make a difference! And they're also things you could talk to your friends about and encourage them to try as well!

If you live in Sutton-on-Sea, I'm sure you will have seen or heard about Sutton-on-Sea Beach Care - who organise and go on lots of litter picks along and around the beach, to keep them clean and to protect the sea! They are all volunteers and spend their own time taking care of our little part of the planet. You can find them on Facebook if you would like to see more of what they do and/or find out ways you can help.

We have been hoping to start an Earth Club through our project too before the pandemic hit, which we are still working towards, but for the time being you'll be able to find out lots of Earth-related things from us here on our website as well as on our instagram @lighthouseprojectsos !! And we are working to find ways you can interact with this 'club' from home! But do let us know if you are interested in it!

Take care of the planet and of yourselves,

Lottie 🌻

